Brisbane, QLD
Toowoomba Regional Council
in collaboration with
James Cubitt Architects
- 2017 RAIA Regional Architecture Awards – Darling Down Regional Commendation
The project includes development of a significant civic plaza designed with Place Design. The new precinct forms part of the council’s strategy for active community spaces that complements the garden city qualities of Toowoomba. The plaza will connect the Town Hall, the Regional Art Gallery and the new City Library and will hold major outdoor events.
We worked in collaboration with James Cubitt Architects to design the new Toowoomba City Library, a major initiative as part of the city’s masterplan for growth. The building creates distinct and contemporary civic presence addressing a prominent corner of the city centre edge.
The new Library acts as a marker upon arrival to the central city and the civic precinct. The new building has a floor area of over 6,800m² and includes the new City Library, community meeting rooms, a cycle centre and basement car park.
The facade composition of copper panelling, brickwork, glazing and sun shading creates a contemporary architectural response to the historic city fabric. Transparency and engagement are key design initiatives with views from both inside and outside the building encouraging an engagement with the community.