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Average life expectancy is increasing and so too are the options for how we choose to live in later years

Senior Housing Think Tank - Hood Street.

Peter Gardiner, Senior Executive, Emerging Markets

“In order to evolve the design of senior housing, we really need to connect with people as they age — rather than solely observing those who have already aged. We understand the needs of people who are ageing by considering their lives holistically. Most people prefer to stay in their own home and remain connected to their communities, local amenities such as pools, libraries and churches, rather than living in a retirement village where those facilities can be accessed in-house.

For other retirees, downsizing to an apartment may be both a financially effective and a practical lifestyle solution. We design apartments that address the needs of these ageing residents, as well as being appropriate in a multi-generational community. Design choices such as an en-suite accessed by dual bedrooms can be the ideal apartment layout for an older couple. Modern communities may be open to multi-generational populations, with a normalisation of neighbourhood living.”

Caroline Yuen, Peddle Thorp’s Senior Executive — Interior Architecture

“I attended an international dementia design course that provided me with a very good understanding of the challenges faced by seniors. One session, we donned vaseline-smeared glasses and were asked to navigate our way through external pathways and avoid the road. It was a very humbling and confronting experience. Design for dementia is part of a more considered approach to designing homes: we want to enable every person to remain in their homes for as much of their life as possible.”

Dr Matthew Hutchinson, Senior Executive, Integrated Living

“With our population ageing as it is, this sector is ripe for expansion and innovation. Whilst the traditional retirement village models have enjoyed good patronage historically and increasingly in the post Covid world, the modern older person is likely looking for increasing choice in housing options. Housing that is located where they live now, maintains connection to community, is intergenerational and supports lifestyle as things change is truly an integrated approach. That’s how we look at the future of housing and support in the Integrated Living sector.”

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